Life as a Hedge Knight

The Shrewsbury Faire, Oregon's most extravagant Rennaisance Faire, was a festive gathering featuring medieval costumery, jugglers, and jousters. It was also a great excuse to grow another chia sproutfit.

Adventures of a Professional Bird Enthusiast
This year's Laugh Olympics proved a hotly contested and slightly bizarre series of events. Unlike last year, with an early winner, the second Laugh Olympics went down to the last event and the announcement of the final winner was a surprise to some.
The Oracle, Shea'arendril and Kalijanga, Children of Twilight, guided the hordes through the many challenges of the day.
I am going to attempt to resurrect this blog after ignoring it for several months. I have had too many projects going lately!
I love a good pinata. They have so much to offer, particularly if you make them yourself. The planning phase allows the maker to explore latent violent tendencies. You ask yourself what would I like to hit with a stick? The construction phase features the wonderfully messy, gooey, sticky process of paper mache over some form of crude structure. Very tactile. Then there is the fun of deciding what to put in the piñata. It’s not just about candy anymore. Any number of oddities, from the delightful to the puzzling, may be included. The destruction of the piñata can be as satisfying as the creation. It affords the opportunity to hit something with a stick. In our society, outside of baseball, this behavior is generally discouraged. Some might also relish the mystery of what is inside the cavernous wrapper of rigid paper and paint. Then there is the competitive aspect of trying to make solid contact with the piñata, and the mad grab for the contents when it falls out.
Here is Becca hitting the cat piñata with a canoe paddle. I made this one a bit too sturdy and the stick I brought fell apart before the piñata. I’ll note that that this wasn’t an attack on cats in general but rather the sinister feline that attacked and nearly killed my beloved chicken, Penny. Some of her real feathers were coming out if the figure’s mouth.
Everyone wanted a whack at W. Here a party-goer dispenses with the stick and does a Karate Kid to the already-battered figure of our 43rd. I believe the piñata lost a leg from this blow.
Of course this birthday party featured a great deal more than a couple of piñata. Everyone had something to contribute. For example, Becca was on margarita duty all evening and Dawn provided the plush “girlfriend” pictured below as a gift to Khem. People enjoyed the oddly dismembered torso throughout the night.
"The Nettles", a fiddle and guitar combo, provided wonderful music to sing and dance to. After that, others stepped forward to share their vocal talent on karaoke. The sharing went on until the wee hours of the morning at which time Amanda provided a mountain of the decedent Scandinavian aebleskyvers for all to enjoy.
A group of Halloween freaks took Newport by storm this Saturday. Lets take a look.
Khem, Amanda and Beca as a fabulous glittering threesome.
I stood in as the ent "Treebeard", a bulky, imposing tree-hearder covered entirely with real mosses, lichens, mushrooms, branches, and bark. The lavish costume's massive false head also featured two painted ping-pong balls as haunting orange eyeballs. We started the evening with the throng at the Oregon Coast Aquarium's "Creatures of the Night." The Ent left the event with a lovely gift basket as a first-place prize.
The very heavy, woody ent costume required a nerd, a copweb and a street walker as full-time support staff. One important function was to pick up pieces of me as the mob of touchy-feely revelers stroked my mosses, lichens and other parts.
Treebeard and the Golden Eagle tied for first place at the Rogue Brewery's costume contest. Both costumes were very engaging but the Eagle garnered louder and luder applause due to her vastly greater sex appeal.
Earl and Pearl, retirees from arid Arizona, had never seen such excessive mossy growth.
By the end of the night I had lost large quantities of mossy debris, several fingers, a mushroom, auxillary branches and my pants. The weighty trousers migrated downward thoughout the evening. I'll be regrowing parts before the Ent appears again later in the week.